"GOOD WORKS" - Do something good from your computer!: Animalassist.com. Click and corporate sponsors help companion animals and wildlife. The Hunger Site. Click and corporate sponsors help feed the world's hungry. The Breast Cancer Site. Donate a mammogram to an unprivileged woman for free. The Rainforest Site. Each second an acre disappears! The Kids AIDS Site. 1,800 children are infected daily with HIV. The Child Survival Site. 30,000 children die daily from vitamin A deficiency. Save them with a click. The Landmine Site. 72 victims per day, 64 won't get care. Click to help them. GUIDE & SERVICE DOGS: List of organizations for guide-, service-, assist- and therapy-dogs. More service & therapy dog organizations and related articles and resources. Working Dogs on the web - a superb site. Includes service dogs, info about sporting and working breeds, vetmed resources, and a wide range of articles. "Dogs for the Deaf." War Dogs - a tribute site to Military Service Dogs. HORSES: Equine Rescue mail list and resources. Hoofcare & Lameness Magazine - excellent resource on foot & lowerleg problems of the horse. JOBS & VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: "Animal Concerns" Progressive Career Resources. National listings hosted by HSUS. Job & volunteer listings from "The Idealist" - animal/social/environmental, etc. 
LOSS & GRIEF [Human & animal]: Pet Loss Grief Support; has "The Rainbow Bridge" translated into many languages. Hundreds of resources from About.com. Pet memorials, gifts and remembrances, pet urns. LOST & STOLEN PETS RESOURCES: e- mail lists to advertise missing pets and tips for the frantic owner. NOT-FOR-PROFIT/GRANTS/CHARITIES: "Grant Writing for Dummies," with useful links and articles. The 501(c)(3) Monthly Letter. Articles and advice by nonprofit leaders. Requires paid subscription. Information for and about non-profit organizations. RABBITS: Everything you need to know about pet rabbits and how to adopt a rescued one. RESCUE RELATED: 
Forms, classes and legal considerations for rescuers. "Packaging" is everything! A professional photographer offers tips on "shooting" rescue animals. White & Yellow Pages phone directories, "People Finder," from Switchboard.com. McDonald's Restaurant Locator (find your relay meeting point) "Do Not Adopt"-to e-list of warnings for Rescues. TRAVELING WITH PETS: Get help planning a route for free, especially useful for rescue relayers. Takeyourpet.com - the largest directory of pet-friendly lodging on the Internet. Veterinarian locator - know before you go. Bringing pets to Britain - official info on the new Pet Travel Scheme for the U.K. VEGETARIAN: Hundreds of links, tips, articles, and delicious recipes for vegetarian cuisine, compiled by Tiffany Refior. VETERINARY MEDICAL: A mega-site for all species by the Karolinska Institute of Sweden. The National (USA) Animal Poison Control Center (Call 888-426-4435 for 24-hr. emergency help). About.com's veterinary medical pages. The "Senior Dog Project" site is an excellent resource, especially in caring for older dogs, dogs with special needs/handicaps. Educate yourself on pet health! An award-winning site from Drs. Foster & Smith. Parasites in dogs & cats - general info with links to articles on individual types. Tips on holistic petcare and finding a board-certified veterinary homeopath/acupuncturist. Many pet medications are cheaper in Canada than in the USA. Check out this Canadian on-line pet pharmacy for your prescription needs. Requires a faxed prescription from your US veterinarian. WOLVES/WOLF-HYBRIDS: Wolf/Wolfdog Rescue Network. The International Wolf Center. Wolf Recovery Foundation - updates on the Idaho and Yellowstone reintroductions. 
FOREIGN LANGUAGE Animal-related site directories: German - Haustiere French - Animaux de compagnie Spanish - Mascotas Dutch - Huisdieren Italian - Animali da Compagnia Finnish - Lemmikit Danish - Dyr Norwegian - Husdyr Swedish - Husdjur Portuguese - Animais de Estima Russian Japanese 
DID YOU KNOW? - That approximately 25% of dogs in America's shelters are purebred animals. And that most animals in shelters and available from Rescues aren't "problem" animals. - That the number one reason given by owners for surrendering animals to shelters is "we're moving." (Followed closely by reasons that have to do with human children or "I don't have time for an animal.") - That many animals are given up because human children are "allergic," yet there is a high rate of "false positive" allergen test results in children and parents should always seek a second opinion. Also, a new study has shown that exposing children to cats at an early age may PREVENT a later onset of asthma! - That an animal is euthanized in the USA every two seconds, and that 61% of dogs and 75% of cats are killed in shelters. That amounts to millions of animals per year - in fact, some major metro shelters don't record numbers killed, they report tonnage disposed of. - That seven puppies and kittens are born for every human born. - That an unspayed female cat and her first seven offspring can produce a total of 420,000 cats over 7 years. - That an unspayed female dog and her first average litter can produce a total of 67,000 dogs over 6 years. - That the USA & Canada are two of the few countries in the Western world which still allow puppies & kittens to be sold in pet shops, and that most pet shop stock are ticking timebombs of genetic, medical and behavior problems? PLEASE HELP EDUCATE THE PUBLIC AND YOUR LEGISLATORS!   
