Bits and pieces of our lives. [This page is under construction, please visit again. *If any photo fails to load, please hit "reload" on your browser.] 
Jim's darling, the Egyptian Arabian mare "Klu's Exotic One," called "Cynnamon," a granddaughter of the legendary Kemosabi. (She couldn't care less about her blueblood and is happiest rolling in the mud with her pasture buddies.) Nicole takes a break from her perpetual housecleaning to give Winnie a bellyrub. 

Jim practicing "falconry" with the turkey "Priscilla." 
Some of Jim's pen & ink drawings of historic sites. He also does animal art in a variety of media (but isn't accepting any new commissions until 2002). 
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France 
"Danny" is a purebred wirehaired Dachshund who wasn't born wirehaired; he's from a long line of champion hunting dogs and refused to hunt. He crawled under our fence into our garden and after we traced his owners they presented him to us. 
It took five years of love and labor to turn nearly barren land into a natural garden. 
Our chocolate spotted tabby Oriental Shorthair, "Tawny." 
"Flash" (left) and "Sadie (middle) try to incriminate "Winnie" for digging in a flowerbed. 
Jim's beloved "Dudley," who he called the most expensive dog in Germany. Adopted from a German animal shelter at about the age of 6, and because of all his medical problems the vet predicted he'd make it "another year." Nobody told Dudley, and he lived to 16. 
"Amadeus" and "Pongo" (our deaf, epileptic Dalmatian) on "cat patrol" in the garden. 
Playhouse for the cats, built around a pear tree that grows through the roof. (Designed by Jim, whose carpenters cursed him.) 
Jim, his beautiful god-daughter Catie, and her mom, Mary. |